Tuesday, April 15, 2008

First Time Blogger

Well, I've finally decided to start blogging. I've really been dragging my feet on wanting to blog for a few reasons. First, I didn't see the point of recording our life when I couldn't have a printed copy of it. Second, when my son who is 5 tells me he is going to work and then sits at the computer to start typing, I figure I am already spending too much time at the computer. Third, do any of us really need one more project to feel guilty about? and Fourth, I do not write well, I am not eloquent with my words and the idea of people actually reading this scares me to death. Despite all these reasons, I am trying to turn over a new leaf and start journaling a little more and after I saw a link on my friends blog that actually prints your blogs into a book, I was convinced that blogging would be a good way to start journaling/scrapbooking our life and recording our family memories once again. So, I will be using this blog as a journal for our family. If you care to see what adventures the Dahle's are experiencing, then feel free to read on. Also, if you are interested in the web site that will print your blogs, it is http://www.blurb.com/ - looks pretty fun, thanks Katherine!

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