Thursday, April 30, 2009
Madi Tumbling
Today was Madi's last day of tumbling so parents were invited to go watch. She did a great job, even though she may have a little bit of the Mullen rhythm issues. She is a great listener and was really excited to show us everything she has been learning. She is growing up way too fast! This was also a fun class because 4 of the girls were friends.

Doing a handstand.
Doing a cartwheel.
Towards the end of the class they always pretend to be different animals and do the animal action around the mat. Then the teacher will say "Stand like a soldier." and all of the kids are supposed to freeze and listen to more instructions. The funny thing about this is that every time the teacher says that, Madi and Annie hurry as fast as they can over to the teacher and have to stand right at her sides. It is really funny to see them scramble.
All of Madi's tumbling buddies (Annie, Kate, & Natalie), minus Madi. By this time she had had it with pictures and refused to be in this one as well.
Monday, April 27, 2009
What Jesus Does...
Today Parker came home with a book from the library at school titled "What Makes the Weather?" He was reading the title to me and then looked up and said "I already know what makes the weather, Jesus does!" I love all the fun comments from kids.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Golfing for FHE!
The kids have been begging to go golfing every time we pass the golf course so we headed to the course for Family Home Evening to let the kids hit a few balls and give ourselves a little practice. Neither one of them wanted to hit at the driving range, Madi just wanted to go where there were "little flags just her size". So we just practiced our putting. It was a lot of fun and always peaceful to be on the course.
The kids patiently waiting for us to get our clubs. They really are the best of buds and I love seeing precious moments like these.

Friday, April 17, 2009
Baby Animal Days
Lucky for us, I have a friend in Wellsville who runs a preschool and for the last 2 years we've had the chance to go on a field trip with her preschool to Baby Animal Days. Thus avoiding the crowds on the real Baby Animal Days weekend. The day was very rainy and cold, but the kids still had a lot of fun. Madi's favorite animal was Tinkerbell the pony. To my surprise, they both took a turn petting and/or holding some of the animals.

Parker got to go to Baby Animal twice in the same day because he went with his kindergarten that morning. Lucky him!

Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Sunday
Happy Easter!! I love Easter, it is such a beautiful time of year and always has the best candy. I am so grateful for this season and the opportunity it gives us to reflect on the sacrifice our Savior did for us. I am so grateful for the atonement and the opportunity we have to repent and I am especially grateful for the Resurrection and the promise have to live again with our Father in Heaven and our families again some day. We are so blessed.
Surprisingly the kids slept in this morning, but when they did finally wake up they were very excited to find their baskets hidden by the Easter Bunny. So off they went and I think they both had them found within 1 minute or less, I didn't even have a chance to get the camera out. Apparently these kids are getting too smart and the bunny needs to do a better job hiding the baskets.
Madi got a new swimming suit, princess umbrella, rain boots, books and other fun stuff. Parker got a real metal baseball bat, batting tee, Star Wars books (that he has already been reading), and other things as well.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter & Baptism with the Mullen Family
The Saturday before Easter, we had a fun filled day with the Mullen family in Pocatello. My nephew, Spencer, got baptized and then after the baptism we ate lunch at Jim & Kris' house and had a fun Easter egg hunt. Kris even had an adult Easter egg hunt for all of us after the kids. We are so proud of Spencer for choosing to be baptized. And thank you Jim and Kris and everyone for the fun Easter festivities.
Back Row: Spencer, Audrey, Parker, James, Briggs, Jaygen & Pace. Front Row: Lillian, Isabelle, Madi, and Claire.

Grandma handing out the big prizes at the end. They were great water guns. Too bad it was too cold to have a water fight.

After we got home from Pocatello, the kids were dying to dye Easter eggs (ha! ha!). So we let the fun begin. Parker spelled out his name with a letter on each egg and Madi just had fun picking all the girlie colors. I love the look of colored eggs, they are always so pretty.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Friends at the Park
A few weeks ago two of my good friends, Carley and Catherine, and I all met at a park in Brigham City to have a picnic and let the kids play. It was wonderful to have a nice sun-shiny day and I think we all even got a little burned. The kids had a blast and us moms had some good chat time. Thanks Catherine and Carley for the fun day!

Adam, Alivia, Madi, Parker and Carson
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Annual Dahle Easter Egg Hunt and Conference
Conference weekend is always a fun and crazy weekend at Lynn's parents home. All of Lynn's sisters are here with their kids and all of the cousins play themselves to death all weekend long (however this year the Porter family couldn't make it, they had obligations at Disneyland instead...poor them). Oh well, the rest of us still had a great time and our kids were literally exhausted.
It is always great to be able to listen to the prophets of the church and their counsel and guidance for us. I truly am grateful for the modern day technology we have and the opportunity we have to listen to them from our homes. Luckily I was able to listen to some of it and then I recorded the rest in hopes to listen to it later.
After the morning session on Saturday, Grandma and Grandpa had a great Easter Egg Hunt for all of the kids. This is an annual tradition and Parker and Madi couldn't wait to be able to do it because they had been staring at the eggs at Grandma's house all week. So needless to say, they were ready. Lesson learned this year: our kids are getting too old, we definitely need to hide their eggs in harder places next year (especially Madi's). She was done within a couple of minutes. However, she didn't seem to mind and true to her form she immediately started opening eggs and eating candy.
After all the kids found their 12 eggs, Grandma and Grandpa brought out the big prize...which was a huge kite for each of the kids. They were thrilled.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Coming October 5, 2009!
On March 22nd we told the kids some good news and had them draw a picture of our family. The pictures are posted below. At church we had them show their drawings to Grandma and Grandpa Dahle to see if they could guess what we had told them. Then we emailed them to my parents and other family and friends. After seeing the pics, it isn't too hard to tell what we told them, but here is the news....
We are having a baby!!! Our due date is October 5, 2009! However, I am already planning on it being sometime after that date if I go over like I have with the other two.

We had our first doctor's appointment on March 17, heard the heartbeat, and then went back again 2 weeks later for the ultrasound. Everything is looking good and we are really excited to have a new addition in the family. It was really cute when we told them because both of them gasped and immediately looked at my belly to see if it was bigger. Madi is hoping for a girl and Parker is hoping for a boy (big surprise!), however Parker did say it is ok if the baby is a girl because he likes taking care of girls too. Such a thoughtful big brother. Call us old fashioned, but once again we won't be finding out what we are having so it will be big surprise for us all once the baby is born.
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