Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Coming October 5, 2009!

On March 22nd we told the kids some good news and had them draw a picture of our family. The pictures are posted below. At church we had them show their drawings to Grandma and Grandpa Dahle to see if they could guess what we had told them. Then we emailed them to my parents and other family and friends. After seeing the pics, it isn't too hard to tell what we told them, but here is the news.... We are having a baby!!! Our due date is October 5, 2009! However, I am already planning on it being sometime after that date if I go over like I have with the other two.
We had our first doctor's appointment on March 17, heard the heartbeat, and then went back again 2 weeks later for the ultrasound. Everything is looking good and we are really excited to have a new addition in the family. It was really cute when we told them because both of them gasped and immediately looked at my belly to see if it was bigger. Madi is hoping for a girl and Parker is hoping for a boy (big surprise!), however Parker did say it is ok if the baby is a girl because he likes taking care of girls too. Such a thoughtful big brother. Call us old fashioned, but once again we won't be finding out what we are having so it will be big surprise for us all once the baby is born.
First picture of the new little one.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Congrats! I am so excited for you guys! It's been good seeing you a little at soccer and teeball - hopefully one day we can actually get together - though not likely soon since I am having a baby and then you - but we will try!