Saturday, January 30, 2010
Myles 4 Months
Myles is 4 months old! I can't believe it! He is such a happy baby and always quick to smile. He's still not sleeping through the night and Dr. Odell says to make sure I make note that I can't eat ice cream or milk because it makes him spit up a ton the next day (a sacrifice to remind him of when he is a teenager). Madi is such a great big sister and Parker is a great big brother. We are so glad to have him in our family! We love you Myles!!

Monday, January 25, 2010
Madi's Braids
Ever since we went camping with Lynn's family this last summer, Madi has been asking me when we can braid her hair like Tamsyn's. Well, I finally caved and about 2 hours later and 3 different sessions here are the results. It was really cute on her, I just need to figure out a faster way to get it done. I think we counted about 30 braids in all.
Myles in January
Friday, January 15, 2010
I Have a Hand!!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Madi is Five!!!
I can't believe it has already been 5 years since this beautiful little girl joined our family. Seems like that snowy January night when we drove to the hospital was just yesterday. Madilyn Pearl is such a special girl and we are so glad she is part of our family. She is such a tease and always keeps us laughing. I call her a little Lynn because she literally acts just like her dad. She has the same amount of stubbornness, likes her naps and loves to make people laugh. Hopefully she will grow up just like him and have the same love for her Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, the same love for the gospel and the same caring/giving heart.

Look at how she has grown! Madilyn's favorite things to do are: play with Annie, help me cook, dress-up, play with her princess dolls, watch cartoons, dance, eat ice cream, pastrami sandwiches and Mac & Cheese, go to preschool, camp, play on the computer, snuggle with 'Pink', and copy everything Parker does. We love you Madi... Happy Birthday!!!
The kids get to have a birthday party every other year and since this was the off year, we just called a few of her close friends to go to McDonald's for lunch on her birthday. It made it nice and easy for me and she still had something special to look forward to.
The McDonald's clan... Madi, Ewan, Annie, Jude, Myles and Sylvie.
Enjoying some ice cream! Madi, Annie, Silvie, Ewan and Jude.
This year she asked for an Ariel cake. Probably one of the easier cakes I've made lately (which I was thankful for) and she had fun helping me stick on the fish.
The night of her birthday we had Uncle Kevin, Aunt Candace, Lillian, Isabelle and Grandma & Grandpa Dahle over for dinner (Madi's favorite chicken and rice), cake and ice cream.

Did I mention that Madi's favorite thing to eat is ice cream?
Sunday, January 3, 2010
He'll Always Be With Me
Parker is such a thoughtful kid. Out of the blue today he told me "Hey mom, you know what? Myles will never be ignored during the middle of the night because he will always be with me." It is so sweet to think that he was concerned about Myles even in the middle of the night.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
HApPy nEW yEaR!!
I can't believe it is already 2010. It seems like just yesterday when there was the big Y2K scare and the anticipation of a new century. Bringing in the new year was a pretty quiet event for us this year. We were going to get together with Burke and Amie for a party, however Madi and Lynn had pretty bad colds so we ended up just taking it easy. The kids went to bed fairly early and Lynn and I rented Season 5 of Lost and watched quite a bit of that throughout the night.
On New Year's Day, we took the kids to the movie Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. This is one of my favorite books and we thought the movie was pretty great as well. The kids absolutely loved it. The kids also had some fun building a snowman. They built it all on their own and did such a great job.
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