Monday, August 9, 2010

Eye Surgery Again!

Poor little man Myles had  to go through another eye surgery today.  He has clogged tear ducts and in May they punctured them, however they closed back up with scar tissue.  So this time they put tiny tubes up through his nose, out the lower tear duct,  into the upper tear duct and then back into the nose and tied it in a knot.  Sounds terrible, doesn't it?  The surgery went really well and they were done in about 30 minutes.  It took Myles about 45 minutes to finally settle after waking up and he went down for a nice nap once we got home, then he was just a little irritible all day.  The tubes are about the size of fishing line and you can see them in the corners of his eyes.  He will have them in for about 3 months and then Dr. Siler can remove them in his office.  Hopefully this time it will work.

Before the surgery we were sure to get some shots of him in his cute little hospital gown.

And of course we couldn't resist taking some bare bum shots.

1 comment:

Sharon McKee said...

LOVE the bare bum shot! Hope he is all better now.