Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tee Ball
Tee Ball started at the beginning of this month. Parker has been loving it! He hits the ball really well and has had some good throws and to make things even better, Lynn got to be his coach this year! Below are a few pictures taken throughout the season.

Madi found an interest in my camera this year and loved snapping photos of everything. Hence the nice close up of my face.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Oquirrh Mountain Temple
Today we had the opportunity to take our kids to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House with the Christensen family. A new temple that has been built in South Jordan. The kids were really excited to be able to go into a temple. They both said that the baptismal font was their favorite part, however Madi really seemed to like the mirrors in the sealing room as well (she couldn't stop looking at herself in them). I also think Madi may have thought this was just another home in the Parade of Homes. She had come to the Parade of Homes with my friend Julie and I just a couple of days before this and she kept walking around telling me she wanted to go upstairs or downstairs now just like she had done during the Parade. Hope we didn't confuse her too bad.

Parker, Caled, Keely, Madilyn and Annie
At the end of the day, I asked Madi what her favorite part of the day was and she said "Eating the cookies at the temple." and Parker just asked me "Why do they build the temples so tall?" Hopefully they will remember some of the experience and remember the nice feeling inside. I hope they will always have the goal to go to the temple once they are old enough and that we can raise them to be worthy enough to enter.
On the way home we drove through a down pour lightening storm. It was a lot of fun to watch.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Every year in June, Logan City hosts the Summerfest. It is a little festival where art vendors set up booths to sell their art (i.e. painting, photography, jewelry, yard art, etc.). There is also great food and entertainment as well. Last night we went with the Christensen family and just walked around people watching, art gazing and eating. Then this morning, Emily (Conner's mom from soccer) called us and invited us to go to the Art Yard at the Summerfest. The Art Yard is a little are set up for kids at the Summerfest where they get to create their own art projects. This year they had a huge bubble blower, painting, Father's Day cards, sun catchers, and more. The kids seemed to have a blast, but I think the tall bubble blower was their favorite.

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Girls Camp
Oh what fun! Now that I am in Young Women's, I had the opportunity to attend girls camp this year. I haven't been to girls camp since I was a young woman myself so needless to say it has been a long time and it really made me appreciate all the wonderful leaders I had growing up.
This year was a very interesting experience. It was stake camp so very busy, but to top it all off, it rained pretty much the whole time. It was nice and sunny when we got there and set up camp and it was nice and sunny when we were leaving, but other than that it rained off and on the rest of the time. After the first night we had 2 girls tents flood, and they cancelled the hike, but luckily we had two men from the ward, who had come up for the hike, end up heading home and rescuing us by bringing up a new tent and some dry sleeping bags. It was wonderful.
The girls all did a great job and were very positive and up beat the whole time considering the situation. Some of the wards ended up going home to sleep and just came up during the day, but our girls were troopers and endured through it and definitely had a memorable experience.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Moth Hunting
This morning the kids saw moth in Madi's room while they were playing. Next thing we knew, they had gone down stairs and gotten dressed up so they could go moth hunting. Below is the picture of the correct moth hunting attire... in case any of you are needing to go moth hunting soon. Parker is wearing pirate hooks on both hands and Madi has on the witch hat because she said the moth wouldn't be able to see her under the hat.
Spring Soccer
Throughout the months of April and May, Parker has been very busy with soccer. He had games every Thursday and Saturday and practices on Tuesday. The weather was very interesting throughout, a couple of games were cancelled because of snow and one game was pouring rain the whole time so we all got soaked. Parker did a great job, scored a few goals, and their team won every game, but one. It was fun to see him get into it more this year, he still doesn't like to get in the middle of all the action, but he did a great job kicking the ball when it came to him. I apologize for all the pictures, but these are some of my favorites throughout the season.
Whenever the coach asked who wanted to sit out for a break, Parker was first to volunteer.
Madi was a great cheerleader at all of the games!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Baseball with the Bees!
To kick off the summer we went down to a Salt Lake Bee's game with the kids and my cousin Kelly and her husband Wade (apparently I forgot to get pictures of them, sorry guys). Anyway, we met at the Gateway that afternoon, grabbed lunch and then headed to the game. We had great seats behind home plate and the kids had a blast. Lynn spilled about his whole Coke on him in the 4th inning and then we spilled the kids drink not long after that. Other than that, we didn't have any other mishaps. The game started at 7:00 and went into overtime so we didn't even leave until around 11:00. Then they had fireworks after the game which we watched as we were walking to the truck. I couldn't believe the kids stayed awake the whole time.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Last Day of Preschool & Graduation
So, Madi made it through a year of preschool. She did such a good job and really loved going everyday. It definitely helped having her best friend Annie in class with her, but by the end her teachers said she even started branching out and playing with other kids. Especially Miss Julie's daughter, Kara, Madi talked about her almost everyday. I'm so proud of her and excited to see her learning her letters and trying to write her name.
That night was the Preschool Graduation. They always do such a good job with the graduation and Madi looked so grown up in her cap and gown.
Madi with her teachers, Miss Lori and Miss Julie.
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