Thursday, September 2, 2010

Myles in August

Myles seems to be into everything.  He is such a busy boy and is constantly exploring.  Here is some evidence of a few things he particularly enjoys.

He loves to be outside!
Loves to taste everything!
Loves his mom! (however, I really think he is a daddy's boy, but I'm still trying to convince him that he loves me more)
Loves to help me with the laundry!
One of his favorite treats is sucking on a rib bone!  I know it sounds gross, but he really does love it.
Loves playing in the dishwasher!
He also loves going down the stairs (I've caught him once half way down), playing in Sketch's water bowl and stealing his bone, shutting doors, and pulling everything out of the cabinets he possibly can.  This kid really keeps us on our toes.  Luckily I have two great helpers to keep an eye on him and luckily he hasn't discovered the toilet yet.  We love you Smiles!

1 comment:

Sharon McKee said...

Lohn always gives our kids rib bones. With plenty of barbeque sauce and meat on it. That was Sylas's first food, :0 !