This past week I have been a little domestic for some reason. Lynn says I'm just nesting, but I've been having a lot of fun canning some food. On Tuesday, Peggy helped me bottle 1 bushel of peaches. Wednesday I did Plum Jelly and Raspberry Jam (frozen and cooked). Thursday I made Chili Sauce and then Friday of the next week I made Jalapeno Jelly with Candace.
Everything turned out great and I only had one bottle of peaches that didn't seal and one bottle of chili sauce that broke when it went in the hot water. Other than that, everything went very smooth.
I know I am a dork for taking pictures, but for some reason I find canned food to be so pretty.
I finally had to take a break from painting doors that I mentioned in a earlier post, but the nesting has definitely continued between canning the food to painting our kids dresser (pictures to come soon), to cleaning out our cold storage, and more. I wish I could always have this energy and motivation to get things done. However, it has helped that work has been a little slow as well. I'm now starting to get a few jobs coming in so I guess the projects will be on hold again for a little bit.