Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wellsville Founder's Day

Along with Labor Day comes the classic Founder's Day celebration in Wellsville. It is pretty much the only parade we go to all year and is always fun to catch up with old neighbors and friends while we are there. This year, we were able to have the Schmelter family and Kady tag along with us. After a delicious breakfast at Kady's house, we all ventured out to Wellsville for the parade. We had to introduce the entertaining/politically incorrect Sham Battle to someone new this year and as always it was great fun. Thanks to Phil and Julie for going the night before and setting up chairs in the shade. For some reason, I didn't pull out my camera much, but here are a few pictures of the festivities. Parker, Ewan and Silvie watching the parade. Madi and Parker enjoying some cotton candy. Madi is definitely Lynn's daughter with her love of sugar. I couldn't ever get her to look up in the picture, she was way too intense on getting the cotton candy eaten.
After the fun times out in Wellsville, Lynn and I were able to get in a round of golf with Val and Lannis. It was a great day!

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