Monday, November 30, 2009
Myles 2 Months
Two months old already! I can't believe it. He is such a cute baby and is smiling all the time now. Parker and Madi still adore him and love spending time with the cute little guy. He is really close to sleeping through the night and we are still working on getting a decent nap schedule during the day, but loving every minute! We are so glad to have Myles as part of our family!

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Yes, I know I'm a little behind, but I'm really trying to get caught up so that I can print out this blog, so please bear with me. Once again, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. We spent Thanksgiving day with Lynn's family (I don't know why I don't have any pictures, but we ate a lot). That evening, we headed up to Island Park to spend the rest of the weekend with my family. Jim and Kris came up on Saturday morning and unfortunately Kevin and Candace weren't able to make it due to sick kids.
This is the outfit Parker made at school for their Thanksgiving Feast. Isn't he a handsome Indian?!
Friday afternoon we went ice fishing on Henry's Lake and Parker caught his first fish all on his own. He was so excited and ended up being the only one that landed a fish the whole weekend.
The proud littler fisherman. He now claims that the only fish he likes to eat is Henry's Lake fish, because it is soooooo good.
The kids were so fascinated by the eggs that came out of the fish and kept telling me I needed to get a picture of them, so here ya go!
Myles is buried in that blanket somewhere.
Madi was a great ice scooper and spent most of her time doing that.

Apparently I had one on, but didn't realize it and set my pole down for a minute to attend to Myles. Needless to say, that one got away.
Parker and Grandpa waiting for the big one!
It was pretty cold so Myles didn't see much of the event, but Grandma didn't seem to mind cuddling with him.

The cutest little helpers pulling all the equipment.
After the ice fishing, we headed up to West to see an IMax movie on bears and got back to my parents place for a relaxing evening and a game of rummy.
The big family tradition in my family during the holidays and anytime we are together is to play rummy for the dishes. The loser gets to do all the dishes or if there are a lot of dishes the two losers get to do them. It is a nice fair way to get the duty done and we always have a lot of fun in the process. We also like to start them very young. Luckily, Myles got away without doing them this trip.
Myles is now almost 2 months old. What a cutie!
Jim and Kris joined us Saturday morning and Lynn took the kids along with their family to do some more ice fishing. Unfortunately no one caught anything, but the kids had fun doing some sledding by the lake.
Later that afternoon, we headed down to my Aunt Sherry and Uncle Mark's house in Marysville for our second round of Thanksgiving dinner. Once again it was delicious and as always we all ate too much, but we had a great time.
Here is the whole group playing rummy for the dished. I think Uncle Mark and James were the lucky ones that got to do them.
Myles and grandpa having a little discussion.
Grandma Helen even got to join us for dinner and the game of rummy. Even though she is almost 93, we can't let her miss the chance to get her hands wet.
All the great-grandchildren. Parker, Spencer, James, Audrey, Claire, Grandma, Myles and Madi.
Grandma Helen with her 26th great grandchild. What a great posterity her and grandpa created!
I love Thanksgiving and the chance it gives me to reflect on all that I am grateful for. I am so blessed with a wonderful husband and terrific, beautiful children. I'm especially grateful for the gospel in my life and the guidance it gives me each and every day. I am also so thankful for the free country we live in and for the men and women who serve and sacrifice to defend our country. I truly am so blessed!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Myles Smiles and More
I finally caught the adorable smile on camera!! Plus more random pictures of the kids and all.

Looking comfy sleeping on his dad. I love the positions babies get in when they sleep.
Madi with her painted pumpkin from preschool.
The following 5 pictures are taken by Madi. She loves to take pictures and will often take my camera and take about 75 pictures in just a few minutes. These are a few of my favorites. I love how she will take pictures of herself.

I wish I could read minds and know what they are thinking. Madi loves to have Myles with us when we take her to bed and read her a bedtime story. They are already good little buddies.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Las Vegas!
The beginning of November marks our annual trip to Las Vegas. A trip we have been taking since the year we were married. It also seems to be a time that one or all of us in the family seems to get sick and this year was no exception. I had an awful sinus infection and the day we were flying out, I kept Parker home from school for a bad cold and on the way to the airport Peggy called us and said Parker had a fever of 102. I was worried he might have swine flu so we were calling the doctor on our way to see if there is anything we should do and if we should be worried about Myles, but we figured it was probably best that Myles wasn't near Parker and decided to fly out anyway. Thank goodness he was in good hands with Grandma, I just felt bad leaving a sick child behind. He ended up staying home from school that whole week and was pretty much better by the time we got home. We still don't know if it was the flu, but we are thinking it was probably just a bad cold since no one else got it.
Anyway, our trip was great. Myles did really well on the plane both ways and pretty much just slept the whole time. This time, due to experience with Parker as a baby, we were able to make sure he didn't get overly stimulated with all of the Vegas lights and that seemed to keep him happy. Lynn met with some good people at the trade show and I kind of took it easy because of the sickness, but still had fun getting in some shopping at the outlets.
Myles and mom ready for his first plane ride at 6 weeks old!
As always, we had a great time. Went to a cocktail party, dinner and breakfast with some of Lynn's clients and enjoyed some great food.
The mimes at the Venetian. One of our favorites. St. Mark's Square in the Venetian is a great place to relax and enjoy some people watching. Especially after all the walking at the trade show.
On top of the Stratosphere overlooking the city of lights.
Whenever Myles was awake, this is how he looked the whole time. He was very attracted to the flashy ceilings and lights in the casinos.
Hanging out in the hotel room.
This is what Myles was doing as we were waiting for the plane ride home. I'm sure there were a lot of passengers hoping they wouldn't be sitting near us. Luckily he calmed down by the time we boarded the plane and slept the whole way home.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Myles 6 Weeks
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