After the game the whole crew minus Candace and the girls all headed out to Newton to do some pheasant hunting. I forgot to mention that on top of planning the Friday night party, Candace sprained her ankle in aerobics and wasn't too mobile. I ended up nursing in the truck pretty much the whole time everyone was hunting, but we got about 16 pheasants in all and had a great time.
Lynn shot two pheasants and after a little convincing the kids decided they weren't too bad to carry. It was pretty cute watching them tromp down the road carrying birds almost half their height.
After the hunting, everyone came to our house for sandwiches and visiting. That night we were all exhausted so everyone just kind of did their own thing. After we got the kids in bed, we ordered Chinese and rented "The Brothers Bloom" with Jim and Kris. I ended up falling asleep through quite a bit of the movie, but what I saw was good.
Myles was pretty spoiled the whole weekend and was held pretty much the whole time. Lots of loves.
Audrey and Myles
Grandma got to take a turn feeding the little man.
Myles Willard Dahle ready for the blessing. Isn't he handsome!
Another great thing about this day is that it was the primary program. Both Parker and Madi had parts. Parker said "A father provides for, presides over and protects his family with love. I am thankful for my dad because he protects us." and Madi's part was "I love my family and I want to be with them forever." They both did a great job.
The big blessing day has arrived. Our church wasn't until 1:00 so we had plenty of time in the morning to get things ready. Thanks to everyone for all of your help and support. It was a beautiful day and Lynn gave a beautiful blessing. I'm and so lucky to have such a great family. It is amazing how blessed we are.
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