Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Things Kids Say...

This week Madi has been cracking me up almost constantly. Here are a couple of the things she said. I wish I had them recorded because just writing them doesn't do them justice. Her voice seems to make them funnier. Madi had told me she wanted Mac & Cheese for lunch. When I started fixing it, she said she wanted a Pastrami sandwich instead and said she "I changed all of my minds." In reply I said, "You changed all of your minds, huh?" and she said "Yep, all of them." 11/2/09 On the same day, Myles was sucking his binky pretty hard making smacking sounds and Madi said "He sounds like a clock, smack, smack, smack." Then on November 4th we were at Parker's piano lesson and she came in from outside and said "I touched the bird and its belly was still warm." Apparently there was a dead bird on the porch and she decided to see how it felt. It kind of grosses me out now, but I really can't complain considering I was touching dead birds, deer, fish, worms and more all the time when I was growing up.

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